Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trip to Hawaii

A quick photo montage of our trip to Hawaii!

We saw a ton of great wildlife.

Some dead...

Most alive.

We also hung out with some natives...

But mostly we explored all over The Big Island.

The beach outside our hotel.

The view from our hotel.

The bay where Captain Cook came ashore (and later pissed off the natives and was killed, oops).

A black sand beach.

Waioi'o Valley (aka Eden)

Black sand beach at the mouth of Waioi'o Valley.

Inside the valley.

A sulfur plume emitting from one of the volcanoes.

Close up to the crater. This was as close as we could get, half of the park was closed due to the action.


Entrance to a lava tube.

A sea arch at the base of the big volcano.

The road that used to go along the coast.

No shit.

We hiked out to the most southern point of Hawaii where we saw a whale just 30 yards out.

We also hiked out to a green sand beach. Yep, green. It is made of a semi-precious stone.

And that is where Derrick proposed!

Skick said YES. :-D