Thursday, March 15, 2007


Every now and then life throws a cold pail of water on you that puts things into painful perspective.

When my apartment was broken into, the fact that Sebastian was missing completely outweighed my missing computer. The absolute relief and tearful joy when he was found could not be diminished by what 'stuff' had been stolen.

Life every now and then is put into perfectly clear perspective.

And then it starts to get fuzzy again. Grey areas or special circumstances come up. All things become debatable. Value, worth, hierarchies are assessed and formed. The clarity fades and that ice cold water that drenched us dries.

Would it be better to remain in a fuzzy world, not ever having a clear view of yourself, life and the world around you, but also not experience the painful events that create that ice cold pail of water?

I use to think that a person who knew what they wanted in life was very lucky, but it is actually a person who knows what they want and gets it that is lucky.

So is it worse to know what you want and not be able to get it than it is to never know what you want?

In the end, does that really matter either? When it is all said and done, for each of us, we will all have regrets. What we did do, what we didn't do, etc, but that means we lived a life with choices to make, experiences to navigate, paths to pick and follow, and with that is of course going to come some regret. So would it be better to have had less choices to make and less or no regret?

I think I have pretty solid answers to all of these questions, but ask me again in a week or two when the gray and haze start to set in again.

1 comment:

Derrick said...

You can hold onto that clarity for longer than you may think. I think that it's those moments of clear perspective that really define who we are - to ourselves far more than to others. It's how we choose to use that awareness when the cold water dries that makes us people of free will, people of potential. And your potential is far greater than most any that I've seen :-)