Monday, April 30, 2007

I could never have kids.

I already have a laundry list of reasons as to why I do not want to have kids: first of all... ouch, but also I saw what I did to my Mom and I know karma would give me a girl. But now I have another reason, I could not handle it if anything went wrong.

My cat, Sebastian, is my baby of the bunch. Not favorite, but the baby. Saturday night I got out of the shower and walked into my bedroom and there on the floor were a couple wet spots. I went and got a paper towel to clean them up thinking that they were just bile from one of them trying to cough up a hairball (two long-haired cats in the house means this is not unusual) when I notice a wet spot on the bed too. When I went over to this one it distinctly smelled like pee.

I jumped up and walked into the hallway where Sebastian was sitting. I asked him if he had peed on the bed. (Yes I talk to them.) That is when he got up and walked over to the cat liter, and right where he had been sitting was a wet spot. But the wet spot looked weird. I crouched down and realized that not only was it a very very dark color, it was also gel-like!

All the while I am doing this; Sebastian is sitting in the litter box looking like he is trying to pee and like he is in pain. What do I do at this moment? Panic.

With just a towel on my head I ran out to the kitchen where Sebastian is. That is when I notice more spots on the kitchen floor near the liter box. Then another a little further away, then another… There were some on his cat tree, some on the living room floor, kitchen floor, under the table, etc. I am now running all over the apartment with nothing on but a towel on my head, looking at the floor and every time I find another spot making some sort of unintelligible gasping squeal. I so hope my neighbors were not home.

I then run to my cell phone and call Derrick.

Derrick: “Hi”
Me: “Derrick, I need you here NOW!”
Derrick: “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
Me: Repeated stuttering for about 30 seconds “I – I – I”
Derrick: “I will be right over.”

This is when I realize I am standing naked in my kitchen so I run to the bedroom and throw on a pair of pants and shirt that is lying on my floor (meaning what I slept in last night).

Derrick came over and I frantically told him everything I had found. He called the emergency vet because I still had a bit of a stuttering problem, and they told him to bring Sebastian in IMMEDIATELY.

And that is when I started to really panic…

Sebastian is fine. He had to spend the weekend at the emergency vet, and we transferred him to his normal vet this morning. He will have to be on a prescription diet from now on to prevent this from happening again, but beyond that it looks like there was no permanent damage.

Perhaps once this is really all over I will write about how it went at the emergency vet and the procedure, but for now this is getting long and I still have a few more chances to have a breakdown of all my sensibility.

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