Monday, June 30, 2008

The Important Stuff

Did that last post seem to end on a depressing note? It really was not intended, but honestly how riveting of a post can you write about business and accounting classes? Of course I did have a teacher who really pissed me off by making errors in accounting and not admitting to them when I pointed them out...

But you know what really really pisses me off? Watching my team (The Giants) pay a player 14 million dollars a year (yes, I said a year) to throw curve balls that would not fake out a toddler and fast balls with the accuracy of a blind person. Pay a player 14 million big ones to pitch only 2 to 4 innings per game (basically only a little more than a reliever) and consequentially over exert our bullpen (the guys making a quarter or less money). Pay a player 14 million dollars for 6 years to give up as many runs in 2 innings as most do in 6, embarrass my team and the fans every five days, and practically guarantee a loss every time.

Yep. That really burns me.

Luckily for Zito I have had Lincecum, Cain and Sanchez to watch three out of the five other days. It is hard to stay angry for too long with these guys to look forward to watching, but that has changed now. In this last outing by Zito, he burned me personally.

I listen to a daily podcast on basball (ESPN Baseball Today). I like the two guys who put it on. They know their stuff, they are sarcastic, they can be rude but it usually just truthful. I like their analysis, most of the time agree with their opinions, and enjoy their interviews.

Everyday they answer a few e-mails that they have received, and there have been many times that I have thought of questions that I would like to send in but I usually listed to them on the bus on the way to school so by the time I get home I forget to write in. Well the other day I was looking over the day's game, saw that Zito was pitching, got angry, and decided to e-mail them. Please see below.

Hi guys,
I love your show, it is the highlight of my commute.

I am a life long SF Giants fan and have to say (regardless of this losing season) this team is shaping up to be one of my favorites. Except for Zito. What options are there for the Giants with his contract? Are we stuck watching this guy for another 4 1/2 years? Obviously with the amount of money he is making, he is not going to be sent down to minor league, but wouldn't a move to the bullpen do him and the whole team some good?

Well they read my e-mail the next day. Cool, huh?


Zito pitched his best game in years that same night I e-mailed. For the first time since becoming a Giant he showed the stuff that got him the 126 million dollar, six year contract.

So instead of hearing about some obscure contractual loophole that the Giants could use to get rid of this guy (a delusional wish of mine) or at best an affirmation of how much he sucks ass, I got a discussion of how he has been working on his mechanics and that this game might be a sign that all that work is paying off. Ugh. Major disappointment.

So you see, even when Zito pitches well he gives me disappointment and embarrasment. I am now suspicious that he has it out for me. If that is not the case then he better prove it by continuing to pitch well.

So Zito pitches tonight against the Cubs. If he fucks up tonight, then tomorrow I buy tickets to San Francisco, he and I will need to have a "chat."

1 Quarter Down

So I finished up my first quarter of school a couple of weeks ago. I meant to write some sort of recap but immediately after my last final I jumped on a plane for a whirlwind 9 days that landed me in 8 different airports and visiting a portion of all 5 sides of my family, ending with a reprieve in LA at Derrick's house and drinks with Brandon and Melissa.

I have already started summer session and feel like some sort of blurb about the last three months is fast becoming past due, but honestly I don't have anything to write.

I went to class. I read textbooks. I took notes. I took tests. All of these are either sold back to the bookstore or in the recycling bin. I had a hellish experience with a group project, but that has been forgotten over one beer and a little bit of venting. That group brought my grade down to an A- for the class, giving me a 3.91 instead of a 4.0, but honestly, does anyone care about the difference between a 3.9 and 4.0? The difference between a 2.5 and a 4.0 for that matter? (2.5 being the minimum GPA for my major.)

So that is it. That is my update for the quarter. I passed.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So true.

I thought this was funny... and true.

song chart memes
more graph humor and song chart memes

EDIT: Um, I don't know how to get the whole picture to show up. So click on it to see the whole thing.