Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mystery Solved

Last weekend I went down to SF for a Giants/Dodgers series. Three whole days of baseball, greasy food, beer, screaming and yelling, and more baseball. :-D

Well we lost all three games. :-(

But I got to meet up with Sirena, Martin, Derrick, Staci, and Daniel. :-D

All in all it was a GREAT weekend, and to top it all off a mystery in my life that has had me perplexed for years was solved!

So to back up a little bit, for as long as I can remember my Mom has had a jade bracelet on her left wrist. This of course could be because she got it just prior to me being conceived but that is besides the point. The point is that I remember that bracelet even when I was really young, you know, when the most important thing in life was convincing your parents to let you have five instead of four Oreo cookies for dessert.

Either way, when I turned 21 my Mom got me a jade bracelet. Some olive oil, a quick 1-2-3, and bam, that bad boy was on there. The sides of my hand was bruised for a while but thankfully you only have to go through that process once.

Well here is my mystery. A while ago I noticed what looked like pencil marks on my bracelet. That is really the best way to describe them, but they would not rub or scratch off and when you felt the area where they were the bracelet was completely smooth.

Now I was positive they were not there when I originally got the bracelet. I could not say exactly when they appeared, but there they were, pencil marks on my jade bracelet that were not scratched into the stone but would not come off either. I was pretty pissed and really confused.

So back to this last weekend. I was at dinner with all of the above mentioned friends when Sirena asked about my bracelet. In talking about it I mention these strange markings and showed them to her. Well lo and behold Sirena knew exactly what they were!

"That is metal. That is what metal looks like when it strikes stone, and yeah it will feel smooth and not scratch off."

At first I was totally shocked and happy that I finally knew what these marks were but then it dawned on me HOW they had gotten there. I was so excited that without really thinking or taking into consideration that we were in a small restaurant of about 10 tables, ours being the one in the middle, I yelled out:

"Oh! Oh! I know where they came from! They are from my nipple piercing! They are always clinking together when I am in the shower!"

So the mystery is now solved and there are now a handful of people out there who know of a girl who has a problem with her nipple piercing clinking against something while she is in the shower.

I think it was an educational experience for all. :)

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