Monday, August 17, 2009

I am back!

So, um, I have not posted in a long long time. I got a little busy, okay?

No really, I have been busy this last year. As can be predicted, school started up again in September so there is my first excuse.

I also joined a fraternity. Let me clarify, it is a business fraternity – co-ed of course. Actually let me clarify again, I did not actually join a chapter of the fraternity, I signed up to create a chapter at PSU. Oh, and did I mention I have the position of VP of Membership. Yeah, second really big excuse for being busy.

Oh, and I joined the honors program at the business school at PSU. It was not that difficult to join, just a 3.75 GPA, and all I need to do is maintain that GPA and take 6 extra workshops/classes. What is that? Why yes! Yes, I am a masochist. Why do you ask?

So you probably think that I am a nerd with no life outside of school. Well you might be right if it weren’t for that whole masochist thing we just discussed. (Cue maniacal laughter.)

No I did not take on world hunger or something like that, just poor feral cats. There is a non-profit in Portland that helps people to trap, neuter, and return feral cats that they are feeding. I was feeding close to 15 feral cats and growing so it was a perfect fit. The trapping only took a night and the clinic was the next day, buuuuuuuuuut, there were the two small kittens that were part of the colony. Yeah, if you know me, then you know those little ones were not being released, but were going to be socialized and found a good home.

At this point please do not think I am some wacko who thinks having a social life is being a cat-lady. Oh no, after a year of being on my own in a new town, Derrick moved down. I am still unsure how we did not kill each other living together in my small one-bedroom apartment with three cats for a couple of months.

Well anyways, I leapt into relationshiphood. (Word does not seem to want to acknowledge that as a word, but I have never really had high regard for Microsoft so I don’t feel that bad about ignoring the red squiggle lines… well except that I can almost hear my Dad’s voice and the words dictionary and grammar floating around in my head. And now I realize that I have written way too much to be acceptably contained in parentheses. Eek! And I just started a sentence with ‘and’! Oh no, I just did it again! For the love of God, close the parentheses!)


So Derrick moved down to Portland and we moved in with each other. This of course was not a major ‘thing’ and is barely worth mentioning because I was so calm throughout the whole thing. Hell, I barely noticed that change! Can’t you tell?

So that has been my year - scuse the phrase but - a shit load of school, cats and kittens, and the mixing, melding, and compromise of sharing a kitchen with someone who fundamentally cooks differently than you.
This Friday I am off to Ireland and Scotland so the next update will be a completely different tone. I promise.

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