Thursday, September 3, 2009


If you would like to get a good taste of quintessential Ireland, don't go to Dublin. But if you would like to have a good time in a buzzing international city, definitely go to Dublin.

Here are a few things I was not expecting in Dublin:

1) So far the pub food is horrible. Well maybe not that bad. You see it does not taste bad, it just does not taste like anything. I have had Top Ramen with more flavor.

2) Almost all the recommended restaurants are foreign. Italian, Korean, French, we were even recommended a Californian restaurant, but not Irish.

3) The women are really foul-mouthed, the men are not, at least not around women. Go figure?

A few things to watch out for:

1) The one and two Euro coins look a lot alike. This is good to know so you do not accidentally casually toss a five Euro tip into the tip jar at the register. It is also good to know (as Derrick now does) it is very rude to try and retrieve part of that tip back from the jar.

2) If eating at the bar, do not excitedly point towards things. If you knock your beer, the only way for it to go is over the bar and all over the clean glasses.

3) The Irish only have two speeds, slow and stop. This is according to an older man we got into a long chat with. He is right.

More to come. :-)

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