Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hot Damn.

Can you believe that Vin Diesel is 39?!?

Ya know, I don't really care. :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bush on 60 Minutes

Let me just get this out of the way first: this "thing" that resembles a member of the species homo sapiens is a moron. I mean that literally; a comatose person has more brain wave patterns and more connected synapses than he does. A person clinically diagnosed with multiple personality disorder is less wishy-washy than he is. Furthermore, an elementary school student could formulate better sentences than this idiot. It is more than just painful to listen to him - it is depressing and embarrassing when I remember that he is the President. Actually listening, trying to decipher his gibberish is both infuriating and scary at the same time. He is void of emotion and logical thought and, worst of all, he has no memory of what he himself has said, claimed or vowed at any time in the past, even up to mere days before.

So, on to his interview.

Bush: "I can remember thinking that it's gonna take a monumental effort to keep the country's attention on this war because it's an interesting dilemma for the president. On the one hand, you want them to understand we're at war. On the other hand, you want people to go about their daily lives. In other words, people can't be looking over their shoulder and seeing the next terrorist attack."

Hello, what the hell is a daily-updated color-coded terror alert where the higher levels are bright orange and red? Yes, people will not forget about the "war" but did he actually think people would also be able to go about their daily lives, terror free? Excuse me, but bullshit. That is bullshit with out pulling in the fact that the "terror level" has been increased (oh I am sorry, updated) right around important times that Bush has needed public support. Oh, and what about asking people to "look out" on their fellow neighbors? Yeah, that really instills a sense of comfort. Oh oops, I also forgot the TV ads with buildings blowing up, pictures from 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, and scripts reading that "they" are out to kill us. I feel so safe, almost like a babe in her mother's arms - don't you?

Bush: "And the point I make is that what happens in the Middle East matters to the homeland."

Just wanted to point out that the guy is still using the word "homeland". Do you think they will go with the tried and true yellow stars and pink triangles, or do you think they will update them with more posh "logos"?

Bush: "Envision a world in which Saddam Hussein was rushing for a nuclear weapon to compete against Iran."

Dude, I thought we already went through this, you were either wrong or were lying when you first claimed this. I hate bad reruns, especially when I disliked the original. I could go on about this one but the main reason for my rant is the next quote.

Bush: "And the reason I brought up the mistakes is, one, that's the job of the commander-in-chief, and, two, I don't want people blaming our military. We got a bunch of good military people out there doing what we've asked them to do. And the temptation is gonna find scapegoats. Well, if the people want a scapegoat, they got one right here in me 'cause it's my decisions."

You @#$%ing @#$hole. Just two days ago you (finally) made a haphazard flippant half-apology, the first of your presidency. That apology was for mistakes that may have been made by others, but you being the gracious, empathetic, caring leader that you are, were ready and willing to take the blame. (And the next day you claimed that you, as the commander in chief, are in charge and do not need to listen to the Congress or the people for your decisions, but whatever right?) You now are portraying yourself as a scapegoat!

You think you are a scapegoat to the pain, the loss and sorrow of the families that have had to bury their family members? You think you are a scapegoat to the misery, the death, the uncertainty and the emotional strain of the people you have sent to war? You think you are a scapegoat to the destruction, the constant bombing and the unknown death toll of Iragi people?

I say it again, you @#$ing @#$hole!

Regarding the video of Sadam Husein's hanging...
PELLEY: I'm curious. How did you see the video?
BUSH: Internet.
PELLEY: You called it up on the internet and watched it?

OMG, Bush used "the internets"!!!
I know, cheap shot, but I am not in a very diplomatic mood right now.

Just had to get a bit of anger and venom out after reading the transcript of that interview. I am sure that if I had actually watched it and had to hear these quotes (and others, I actually only covered the first half but this was starting to get a bit long) in his fake down-home "aren't I just like you" tone, all the while giving that sideways glance and lip curl like a bad impersonation of a spaghetti western cowboy, I would have been too busy puking in the toilet to speak, let alone to type anything.

By the way, I am posting this on my blog because if I have not been marked on some secret (but oh so important for national security) list yet, I want and need to, because at least then when our children are reading about the horrors of this time I can have some proof that I was against it, because obviously voting does not mean #$%& now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am homesick

I actually think I am homesick! I have never been homesick before so I am not completely sure, but it sure does feel that way.

I moved more than a couple of times when I was a kid and did not get homesick. Well the moves were within the Bay Area, but come on, to a kid moving a city over or changing schools is like your entire world going topsy turvy. I went between two parent's houses and did not get depressed or lonesome for the other house. I went to college and was fine. Okay it was only a five hour drive away, but still, I was not running home for home cooked food. I moved to Seattle, and even as I was realizing within the first hour of being here that I had moved into the White Trash Central area, I did not get homesick.

Now that is not to say I did not miss the hell out of people, but I was not pining for a place. Now is different. Getting onto two years out of CA, I am missing it like hell right now.

I think this comes from a combination of things that formed into one giant punch to the gut. First, I just recently visited the Bay Area so I think I was already set for this mood. Then just the other day I watched half of Sideways. I am holding my opinion of the movie until I finish it but it was so trippy to be watching a scene of them chatting in a car and being able to recognize every freeway exit and even the tunnel they drive through on their way up from SB towards Santa Maria. Even the characters attitudes were so easily recognizable to me, and it probably did not help watching them all lounge outside eating and drinking all the while it is snowing outside my window.

Yeah, and then there is the snow. I have no problem with snow, I was just not expecting to be living with it this much. I like the snow, I like snowboarding, sledding, snowmen, snowball fights, the whole lot. But I don't like living with it on a normal daily basis. I thought I would be dealing with darkness and rain, which I knew I was fine with, but I was told it snowed once every three years, it has been three times this year alone, and twice last year.

I think when I finally realized I was just plain homesick was when Derrick opened up his gift from Brandon. Brandon sent him the most awesome gift, a couple six-packs of Firestone (we can't get that up here). The second I took a sip of that beer and thought that it was still the best beer out there, even now living in Seattle, I knew, I was homesick.

Well I would write more, but this is a whole new experience for me so I haven't got anything else to write, give my opinion about, rant or rave about, or just plain drone on about yet. I think I sound like a whining little bitch right now, but it is honestly how I feel. There are a couple of other things going on that also have me in an out of whack mood so maybe I am not really longing for CA, but hey, if you all hear from me next in CA or WA, then you know how it went.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Orange Cones

Allow me to be kinda sappy right now.

On the way home tonight Derrick and I passed by some of those orange cones that the city or construction crews use. I said, "Hey, you want a cone?" He said, "Sure." and grabbed one as we walked by.

Well that moment brought back a memory from way back. It is probably the whole female thing as to why I even remember this or even ever registered the original moment at all, but whatever the whole scene brought back a really cool memory.

It made me remember the first time Derrick and I had an unspoken conversation. It also was one of the few times we agreed, but that is besides the point. So anyways the scene went like this...

I was driving up Los Carneros towards the 101, we were heading through the intersection of Hollister and up ahead there were orange cones slowly curving into Los Carneros in order to make everyone merge to the left. There was no one behind me so I slowed down and came to a stop next to one of the first cones in the street. Derrick opened up the passenger door, grabbed the cone, shut the door, I hit the gas and we drove off. No words were shared about the orange cone and the taking of that cone until after I was turning onto the on ramp of the 101. I don't actually remember where we were going, but we did bring the cone back to the Abrego House (it lasted maybe a week).

Yeah, mushy I know, but the memory just struck me tonight while walking home.

Then tonight when we got into my place I went straight to the bathroom. The cats were all meowing and while I am in the bathroom Derrick yells out, "Middle or third?" (Just a quick note, the cats actually have three dinners, don't ask, don't tease, yes I know they are spoiled) I yell out, "Third", and by the time I get out of the bathroom the cats are eating... and there is a orange cone sitting in my kitchen.

The combination of all of that (and possibly a few drinks) is the reason you are reading a really sappy blog right now.

Cheers :-)

PS While writing this Derrick's drunk ass passed out and is snoring on my couch right now. Awww friends. :)

Monday, January 1, 2007

Ahhh Memories

New Years 2003.

Good Times, good times. Well the parts I remember. :)
Everyone wore that hat at some point in the night. Reminds me of a pink wig at another party, but that is a whole other story.
Derrick was permanently attached to that bottle of Cooks.
And then there is always the picture with "that guy" in it that no one knows where he came from or who the hell he is.
And we are all so blitzed.

A lot has changed, and a lot hasn't. This year looked a lot more normal but just as drunk. Actually throwing house parties was so much easier than going to a bar; at least when you can not remember getting home you are not too worried.

Sorry I don't have many pictures from this year, and the ones I did take are grainy because they are from my phone.
Derrick traded in the bottle of Cooks for Vodka. Well actually he was really close to buying a bottle at the store.
A fat cigar, stiff drink and a "take the damn picture" look on my face. Damn, I almost look mature. ;-)

2006. In a nutshell.

2006 is almost over. There is only one last party left, and then, onto the next year.

I thought I would do something a bit different this year. This year will be summarized in pictures, this way I figure I can type less but have said even more. Well if you really do believe a picture is worth a 1000 words, I personally think it is more around 53, but whatever, who is actually counting.


No I am not on acid.

Around this time Derrick's sister and cousin came into town, believe me I am trying to get the pictures for this. So if I thought being sandwiched between a brother and sister pair (Matt and Mellisa) was weird, you have no idea how crazy it is to get into a tickling war in a bed with the sister and cousin of your best-friend. :-) He he.

My brother and Derrick's birthdays on Cinco de Mayo!

Yes that is my brother and Derrick under there.

My brother's First Communion!

And my first job as a Godmother: take lots of pictures and get Chris's gift for him. He he, he got Matthew a fuzzy bear. :-p

In between here I decided one late night to run off and get my clit pierced... I do not have pictures of that, but I do have some hilarious stories about being the biggest frigin horn dog for three weeks all the while having to take the lifestyle of a nun. OMG, let me tell ya, that sucked.


Normally this would not be big deal, but now that I live up in Seattle I basically have to hope I can catch some inner league play (wow that kinda sounds dirty). :-D



Fourth of July visit from family!

And that same weekend Italy made it to the World Cup!

Said good-bye to My Little Trooper aka Baby



Yeah I know, I could not resist getting my picture taken in front of a very fucking large abacus.

San Diego!

Which means the whales vagina

My wildest fantasy comes true!

Yeah right, but thanks for giving me something to dream about Daniel.


No comment, and I know my fifth amendment rights.

In between this time there was a lot of football, but I do not have any pictures from football, but I did get a Niners necklace in Vegas, stuff it down my shirt, snap a shot and send it off to a couple misguided friends.

Also in this time there were mid-term elections. I unfortunately do not have a picture of Derrick and I sitting on my back porch in our PJs, drinking a bottle of wine and smoking fat cigars. I hope to repeat that moment again in about two years time so cross your fingers that I will remember then to take a picture. :-)

Ghost globes!

"OMG I just ate a ghost!"


Don't we just look like angels? ;-p

Well that is about it. I think it was a good year.
Cheers, and happy new year all.