Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am homesick

I actually think I am homesick! I have never been homesick before so I am not completely sure, but it sure does feel that way.

I moved more than a couple of times when I was a kid and did not get homesick. Well the moves were within the Bay Area, but come on, to a kid moving a city over or changing schools is like your entire world going topsy turvy. I went between two parent's houses and did not get depressed or lonesome for the other house. I went to college and was fine. Okay it was only a five hour drive away, but still, I was not running home for home cooked food. I moved to Seattle, and even as I was realizing within the first hour of being here that I had moved into the White Trash Central area, I did not get homesick.

Now that is not to say I did not miss the hell out of people, but I was not pining for a place. Now is different. Getting onto two years out of CA, I am missing it like hell right now.

I think this comes from a combination of things that formed into one giant punch to the gut. First, I just recently visited the Bay Area so I think I was already set for this mood. Then just the other day I watched half of Sideways. I am holding my opinion of the movie until I finish it but it was so trippy to be watching a scene of them chatting in a car and being able to recognize every freeway exit and even the tunnel they drive through on their way up from SB towards Santa Maria. Even the characters attitudes were so easily recognizable to me, and it probably did not help watching them all lounge outside eating and drinking all the while it is snowing outside my window.

Yeah, and then there is the snow. I have no problem with snow, I was just not expecting to be living with it this much. I like the snow, I like snowboarding, sledding, snowmen, snowball fights, the whole lot. But I don't like living with it on a normal daily basis. I thought I would be dealing with darkness and rain, which I knew I was fine with, but I was told it snowed once every three years, it has been three times this year alone, and twice last year.

I think when I finally realized I was just plain homesick was when Derrick opened up his gift from Brandon. Brandon sent him the most awesome gift, a couple six-packs of Firestone (we can't get that up here). The second I took a sip of that beer and thought that it was still the best beer out there, even now living in Seattle, I knew, I was homesick.

Well I would write more, but this is a whole new experience for me so I haven't got anything else to write, give my opinion about, rant or rave about, or just plain drone on about yet. I think I sound like a whining little bitch right now, but it is honestly how I feel. There are a couple of other things going on that also have me in an out of whack mood so maybe I am not really longing for CA, but hey, if you all hear from me next in CA or WA, then you know how it went.


Anonymous said...

Well, there are those in California who miss you, too.

Skick said...

:-D Thanks. Your awesome!