Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bush on 60 Minutes

Let me just get this out of the way first: this "thing" that resembles a member of the species homo sapiens is a moron. I mean that literally; a comatose person has more brain wave patterns and more connected synapses than he does. A person clinically diagnosed with multiple personality disorder is less wishy-washy than he is. Furthermore, an elementary school student could formulate better sentences than this idiot. It is more than just painful to listen to him - it is depressing and embarrassing when I remember that he is the President. Actually listening, trying to decipher his gibberish is both infuriating and scary at the same time. He is void of emotion and logical thought and, worst of all, he has no memory of what he himself has said, claimed or vowed at any time in the past, even up to mere days before.

So, on to his interview.

Bush: "I can remember thinking that it's gonna take a monumental effort to keep the country's attention on this war because it's an interesting dilemma for the president. On the one hand, you want them to understand we're at war. On the other hand, you want people to go about their daily lives. In other words, people can't be looking over their shoulder and seeing the next terrorist attack."

Hello, what the hell is a daily-updated color-coded terror alert where the higher levels are bright orange and red? Yes, people will not forget about the "war" but did he actually think people would also be able to go about their daily lives, terror free? Excuse me, but bullshit. That is bullshit with out pulling in the fact that the "terror level" has been increased (oh I am sorry, updated) right around important times that Bush has needed public support. Oh, and what about asking people to "look out" on their fellow neighbors? Yeah, that really instills a sense of comfort. Oh oops, I also forgot the TV ads with buildings blowing up, pictures from 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, and scripts reading that "they" are out to kill us. I feel so safe, almost like a babe in her mother's arms - don't you?

Bush: "And the point I make is that what happens in the Middle East matters to the homeland."

Just wanted to point out that the guy is still using the word "homeland". Do you think they will go with the tried and true yellow stars and pink triangles, or do you think they will update them with more posh "logos"?

Bush: "Envision a world in which Saddam Hussein was rushing for a nuclear weapon to compete against Iran."

Dude, I thought we already went through this, you were either wrong or were lying when you first claimed this. I hate bad reruns, especially when I disliked the original. I could go on about this one but the main reason for my rant is the next quote.

Bush: "And the reason I brought up the mistakes is, one, that's the job of the commander-in-chief, and, two, I don't want people blaming our military. We got a bunch of good military people out there doing what we've asked them to do. And the temptation is gonna find scapegoats. Well, if the people want a scapegoat, they got one right here in me 'cause it's my decisions."

You @#$%ing @#$hole. Just two days ago you (finally) made a haphazard flippant half-apology, the first of your presidency. That apology was for mistakes that may have been made by others, but you being the gracious, empathetic, caring leader that you are, were ready and willing to take the blame. (And the next day you claimed that you, as the commander in chief, are in charge and do not need to listen to the Congress or the people for your decisions, but whatever right?) You now are portraying yourself as a scapegoat!

You think you are a scapegoat to the pain, the loss and sorrow of the families that have had to bury their family members? You think you are a scapegoat to the misery, the death, the uncertainty and the emotional strain of the people you have sent to war? You think you are a scapegoat to the destruction, the constant bombing and the unknown death toll of Iragi people?

I say it again, you @#$ing @#$hole!

Regarding the video of Sadam Husein's hanging...
PELLEY: I'm curious. How did you see the video?
BUSH: Internet.
PELLEY: You called it up on the internet and watched it?

OMG, Bush used "the internets"!!!
I know, cheap shot, but I am not in a very diplomatic mood right now.

Just had to get a bit of anger and venom out after reading the transcript of that interview. I am sure that if I had actually watched it and had to hear these quotes (and others, I actually only covered the first half but this was starting to get a bit long) in his fake down-home "aren't I just like you" tone, all the while giving that sideways glance and lip curl like a bad impersonation of a spaghetti western cowboy, I would have been too busy puking in the toilet to speak, let alone to type anything.

By the way, I am posting this on my blog because if I have not been marked on some secret (but oh so important for national security) list yet, I want and need to, because at least then when our children are reading about the horrors of this time I can have some proof that I was against it, because obviously voting does not mean #$%& now.

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