Saturday, April 26, 2008

Random Skickisms #1

Throw me into a new city, new school, new places and around new people and I am bound to have more "skick moments" than normal...

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have econ class, a break, and then statistics. During my break I head to the computer lab to work on and print out class work. So Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually the day I have multiple cups of coffee and a constant tired and brain-fried look on my face. Just the other day after leaving the computer lab, and while chanting over and over in my head a statistics formula, I headed over to the area outside where I usually eat my lunch. Today though, some group had decided to put up huge posters of aborted fetuses and anti-abortion propaganda. I had my head down so I did not notice these until I almost ran into a person standing in front of them handing out fliers. I snapped my head up, looked around, and in a total dazed and confused voice said, "But that is where I eat my lunch."

I think I actually grossed out the person handing out fliers with pictures of mushy dead fetuses on them.

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