Monday, January 1, 2007

Ahhh Memories

New Years 2003.

Good Times, good times. Well the parts I remember. :)
Everyone wore that hat at some point in the night. Reminds me of a pink wig at another party, but that is a whole other story.
Derrick was permanently attached to that bottle of Cooks.
And then there is always the picture with "that guy" in it that no one knows where he came from or who the hell he is.
And we are all so blitzed.

A lot has changed, and a lot hasn't. This year looked a lot more normal but just as drunk. Actually throwing house parties was so much easier than going to a bar; at least when you can not remember getting home you are not too worried.

Sorry I don't have many pictures from this year, and the ones I did take are grainy because they are from my phone.
Derrick traded in the bottle of Cooks for Vodka. Well actually he was really close to buying a bottle at the store.
A fat cigar, stiff drink and a "take the damn picture" look on my face. Damn, I almost look mature. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Oh GODDAMN, I haven't seen those in fucking forever.

What a trip. Augh!

Skick said...

Yeah, I am going to go get a scanner so I can put up pics from Abrego too! That will be a trip to see. :-)