Friday, September 21, 2007


I finally got to see a castle!

It was while bumping elbows with droves of other tourists from all over the world but hey, how often do you get the chance to see a castle? (Disneyland does not count.)

Getting there was a bit of a leap of faith. The hostels in Munich were all booked for the weekend so we found a fairly cheap hotel online and with out a map and just an address we took off from Munich.

We took the train to the closest major town and hoped there was a bus once we got there. (If not the town we needed to get to was only 5km away.) Luckily there was a bus but once we got to the town we were having trouble finding our hotel. We asked a couple walking by if they could point us in the right direction but they were unsure of where it was. This is about when we started to worry because the town was only 4 hotels and less than 200 residence.

They asked around and offered to give us a ride to the hotel. This was a God send because it turns out we had booked a room above the restaurant just outside the castle gates up a dark and windy road outside the town. Going to bed in the shadow of a castle I think will be listed as one of the highlights of this trip.

The castle (Neuschwanstein was amazing and the view jaw dropping. I have a ton of pictures but again, you are just going to have to take my word for now until I can post them.

Next stop: Vienna.

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