Friday, September 21, 2007

Munich (Part 1)

I have a bruise on my back from where my shoes in my backpack have been knocking against me while walking, half my face and one arm have broken out in bumps from the starch and chemicals in the hostels bed sheets, and because I have been mostly speaking in single words of German my English has become that of a kindergartner. I am having the time of my life!

First, we did not make it to Prague. We decided to double back and take another day in Munich and Berlin in stead. But that is getting ahead...

While on the train to Munich (the first time) I wrote that I might not return to America. Things have seriously changed since visiting Munich. I am currently drafting an e-mail to quit my job and researching how difficult it would be to move the cats out here.

No, to be serious now. The German school system has made private tutoring of English a profession as useful as palm reading. I am actually currently trying to learn the basic German needed to be able to mop floors at a tavern. :-)

Munich is like a much older Seattle; life revolves around hanging out with friends and drinking good espresso or beer and eating.

I did go sightseeing but the majority of the time was spent chatting and then heading off to a spot recommended to us. This routine began on the train ride to Munich with the guys in the food car and went from there.

One of our waitresses for lunch listed out four places we needed to go and then described them to us as, "beer garden, beer garden, beer garden, place you make picture." We didn't make it to the photo spot because at the second beer garden we got to chatting with a group of people and before we knew it it was 10pm.

Everyone seems to have their favorite local beer and beer garden. One waiter gave us back our tip and told us to use it to try his favorite beer at the place he recommended.

The hostel we are staying in was a lot more like we are use to. The one in Berlin and Wurzburg did not have a common area or bar so there was not much interaction with others. This one though has one of the better common areas\bars I have seen. Both nights we were up till 3 or 4am talking with other travelers and the people who work there.

So I basically spent two and a half days chatting, drinking great beer and eating amazing food.

I have pictures of some of the meals we had (meat, meat and more meat) and I will post them with descriptions if I get back. ;-)

Oh, I also took pictures of famous landmarks.

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